Become Part of a New Education Movement

Young scholars are the driving force behind scientific findings, but they face career uncertainty, work in part-time positions with lower pay than industry, and lack company contacts that enable a two-way transfer of their knowledge. 

If you would like to build a network of industry contacts, ensure the relevance of your research projects, develop your presentation skills, boost your salary, and possibly facilitate a non-academic career, apply now as an eDOC ("entrepreneurial Doctoral student/PostDoc").

Apply by mail with one PDF 


  • CV (or link to LinkedIn profile)
  • High resolution picture
  • Research topic(s)
  • Training offer for companies (e.g., talks, seminars, workshops), preferably as specific titles (e.g., "Market Share - Not the Most Important KPI Any More")
  • Consent that we may use your provided information on our website and for further marketing activities

Optional (but optimal):
A 3-minutes video of you presenting an overview of your research (as Dropbox or Google Drive link) 


Who can apply?
Our target group are young researchers. By this we mean doctoral students, postdocs, assistant professors and young professors in the first 5 years after taking up their professorship. We also welcome applications from PhDs who are no longer working within academia.

Will I automatically be accepted as an eDOC?
We take a close look at your documents and then decide whether we will accept you as an eDOC. It is certainly more difficult to develop offers for companies at the beginning of your doctorate, because you do not have as much experience as at a later stage.  But you should apply in any case.

What do I get out of it?
We see at least five advantages from the perspective of young researchers. First, through practical presentations and workshops, you can enhance your reputation both outside and in Academia. Second, you can test your own research for practical relevance. Third, you can initiate new research collaborations. Fourth, you have the opportunity to increase your income. And fifth, if you don't know yet whether your future lies in Academia, you have the opportunity to build up practical contacts early on for a possible job entry outside the university.

What is the risk?
We don't really see any risk for you. If you get booked for re/upskillings, it's great for you (and for us). If you don't get booked, bad luck, but we don't see any reputational damage for you.

What types of training can I offer?

We deliberately think very broadly: from the one-hour lunch-and-learn talk to the one-week data science workshop to the joint research project, many things are imaginable. We are still in the process of understanding which offer is most interesting for the companies.

How much can I earn with it?

Initially, we will not be operating with fixed prices or daily rates. Each eDOC is individual in terms of subject focus and experience. The final price negotiation is done with the contracting company. Our business model is that a certain percentage of the price the company pays stays with eDOCation, the rest is for you.